Couple Cover

Couple Cover
by Cherish


 Photo by: Fellina
Linda and Yohanes are two young lovebirds who she just know recently. they have such a cute chemistry which makes us couldn't get enough to take their pictures. we hope your love will last forever...

ICE* Magazine Cover Ed.57
They look so cute and their costumes look so interesting ,funny,and match with their body...

By: TIF Photography
The Unique Photo,isn't it?..They look a happy couples with a unique picture and special moment they have together.

By : Foremost Photography
Funny and Unique style photo,with old photo design.This is a kind of Outdoor Couple Photo,with a  beautiful view and a old bike.So,they look a cute couple...

By : Cherish Photo
The Lovely Photo...with design like a school shades,like a cute couple at classroom...